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Going out on a high note!

It is the final week of lift serviced skiing in the Arlberg and mother nature has brought us an incredible last blast of winter to celebrate the end of the season.  It started snowing a few days ago and has hardly stopped.  We have our final group of the winter in house and it includes two three year olds who battled out a wild blizzard atop Gampen for a 2hr ski lesson!  Respect lil’ guys!!

Hard to believe another winter is coming to close at Chalet Rafalt.  We want to thank all the wonderful people that chose to stay here and we look forward to the possibility of hosting you again in the future.  You have made our season!!!

Kind regards,


O’Brownlaghan’s enjoying Maaike’s cooking!

Quality firn in Lech.

Powder skiing in late April! Praise the lord!!

See you next year! Vilen dank for your patronage this season!!


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