Sunday, April 22nd, 2018 •
Mac Ross
The lifts have officially been closed around the Arlberg. And what a fantastic season it was!! Pre-season turns in November turned out to be a sign of the winter to come which delivered plenty of snow and sunshine to smiling faces from all over the world!
The lifts opened to mid-winter conditions on December 1st and we enjoyed some really big dumps throughout the month and into January. Mother nature really ramped it up into mid January when we saw the roadways and trains closed in both directions and an avalanche alert level of 5 for the first time since ’99. February, March and April brought smaller but consistent snowfall and for the most part a stable snowpack and our guests enjoyed plenty of awesome skiing!! The base at Valluga pushed 6 metres at the end of March which is pretty incredible.
Of course, we enjoyed a lot of fun off the mountain as well with our guests and love the energy they bring to apres ski, nightlife and beyond. Thank you!
We were fortunate to have visits from a lot of fellow Canadians, Danes, Belgians, South Africans, Dutch, British and Americans. It was also very cool to see Salomon Freeski TV, SBC Skier and Sherpas Cinema all score in the area during the winter!!
We are all closed up for another winter season and are yet again, raising our glasses to all the amazing people who chose to spend their ski vacation at the chalet. Thank you on behalf of myself and Maaike and here is to plenty more good times in 2018/19.
Kind regards,
Ross and Maaike

Dreamy December skiing

January dumps!

Sherpas and family!!

Another delicious Bordeaux at the Hospiz Alm

Powder on the way to lunch in Stuben